The Company is an independent company registered in Switzerland as a GmbH and is linked to the international market.
The company name pa-so is the abbreviation of pa-ha-so-he. The Indian pa-ha-so-he, family member of the Hopis, founded the company in 1989 in Arizona, USA. With the support of the Indians, he studied the natural sciences (research and development) and mathematics (natural mathematics) of the Indian cultures. pa-so is a mediator of Hopi culture and the latest technology, Tatanka-Sun. pa-so is responsible for development, production and sales in the fields of jewelry, native artie facts, art (such as oil paintings, crystal figures, Pottery and Catherine dolls, etc.), multimedia and Tatanka Sun products. The family connections allow pa-so a close cooperation with the Native-Fundation. Thus original art, jewelry and artiefacts can be brought to Europe. The artiefacts are produced by over 2500 Indians from different tribes like Hopi, Zuni, Navajo. As the only license holder in Europe, pa-so profits from this prominent market position in the USA.
Many know the fate of the Indian peoples.
The names of big tribes are common, like Sioux, Lakota, Apache, Navajo or Cherokee …
But who are the HOPI Indians?
They are called the people of peace and the guardians of balance. It is within the scope of the Hopi to unite the thoughts of all the people on earth who are striving for true peace.
Taken from the Peace Declaration of Hopi: The true Hopi believe in nature and on the power of the earth, that it is living and developing person, and that all things thereon are its children.

Respect, Harmony and Love
These are the three main demands of the law of the Hopi. Our desire is to bring people closer to the forces of nature, that they may live more consciously. The Indians say to our Mother Earth: “Ta ‘hey na – at’ ta he” – Mankind and earth are one. Earth is the mother of all humans, animals and all living beings and manifestations of life at home here on this planet. Therefore, we should develop an understanding for nature and learn ever more how to take care of our environment.
Thank you
Therefore the personal connection and permission to receive handicrafts directly from the reserves. pa-so / ” USA supports the Native American, Four Wind A.S.S of CL with the sale of handicrafts, which supports schools and various aid groups. My wish is to bring people closer to the forces of nature in order to live with them more consciously. The Indians say ta`he na – at`ta he to our mother earth. Man and earth are one, the earth is to the mother of man, animal and all life – and manifestations that are at home on it. Therefore we should learn our understanding for nature and how to deal with it. Not only the Indians but also many other peoples on Mother Earth believe in the forces of nature and act accordingly.